League of Fans

Founded by Ralph Nader, League of Fans is a sports reform project working to improve sports by increasing awareness of the sports industry's relationship to society, exposing irresponsible business practices, ensuring accountability to fans, and encouraging the industry to contribute to societal well-being.

Email Alerts

Alerts is League of Fans' email announcements list. Alerts provides news, information, the actions of League of Fans and/or Ralph Nader regarding sports issues, and calls-to-action for subscribers. All email updates are either selected or written by League of Fans.


League of Fans is motivated by people, just like you, who are upset with what has become of our sports and would like to make a difference. We work with concerned citizens, sports fans, civic groups and communities to increase awareness of the sports industry's relationship to society, influence a broad range of issues in sports at all levels and encourage the cooperative capacities that make the "sports powers-that-be" capable of helping, not just dominating, our society and culture.

News / Resources

We often think of sports as outside the realm of everyday citizen concern. But the many benefits to society that sports can provide are sometimes undermined by a different set of values, often based on the quest for higher and higher profits at the expense of fans, taxpayers, communities, culture and social justice.

Your Role

Get Involved! Your involvement will improve sports for communities and fans, and encourage the sports industry to better contribute to societal well-being.

Physical Education

The National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education (NAPEHE)
Organization for professionals in higher education. Its purpose is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary ideas, concepts and issues related to the role of physical education in higher education with respect for social, cultural and personal perspectives.

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD)
Resources, support and programs to help practitioners improve their skills and so further the health and well-being of the American public.

National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)
To enhance knowledge and professional practice in sport and physical activity through scientific study and dissemination of research-based knowledge to members and the public.

American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness (AAALF)
Serves professionals conducting programs of physical activity and fitness and the professors who train them. Advocates for under-represented populations and interests.

Research Consortium
To further and promote research in health education, physical education, dance, athletics, exercise and recreation.

The National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPERID)
Advocates for the educational and recreational rights of children & youth with disabilities and promotes research, professional and preparation, service delivery, and advocacy of physical education and recreation for individuals with disabilities.

National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
To facilitate a professional exchange of ideas in strength development as it relates to the improvement of athletic performance and fitness.

North American Society for Pediatric Medicine (NASPEM)
To promote exercise science, physical activity and fitness in the health and medical care of children and adolescents.

International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES)
Promotes research and teaching in the area of physical education and sport.

The science of sports and excercise.